The Good House is a place to connect.

our mission is simply to offer space to those who wish to invest in themselves, others, and the land. for those on a path of wellness & self improvement it’s an opportunity to disconnect from distraction & focus on the things that matter.

we cherish our land & acknowledge its traditional custodians. we have 50 acres of private bush which was once a beautiful Box-Gum Grassy woodland, now an endangered vegetation type in NSW & we hope one day, with a little work, it will be again.

we hope you enjoy your stay as much as we do, & look forward to hosting you very soon.

The Good House

some of the native plants you can find on our property,

White Box – Eucalyptus albens

Hill Red Gum – Eucalyptus blakelyi

Silver Wattle – Acacia dealbata

Kurrajong – Brachychiton populneus

Red Legged Grass – Bothriochloa macra

Weeping Grass – Microlaena stipoides

Common Wheat Grass – Anthosachne scabra

Kangaroo Grass – Themeda triandra

Fuzzy New Holland Daisy – Vittadinia cuneata

Rock Fern – Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia

Shiny Everlasting Daisy – Xerochrysum viscosum